So, here I am, packing up my home of the last 1.5 years, getting ready to hit the road. In the past two weeks, I’ve presented a graduating B.A. Honours Thesis, graduated from SSU with a B.A. (Honours, First Class), went on a 5 day trip down to NYC, and now I’m packing up to leave St. Stephen and head back “home” to Winnipeg.
The moving truck comes at 8am Wednesday morning.
Expect regular posting to resume after the move.
3 responses to “Living the Whirlwind”
Congrats on finishing! Looking forward to seeing you soon, now that you’ll be in our neck of the woods! Sort of…
Congrats! I hope we will be able to get together sometime when you are back. Have a great trip!
Ry: yeah, we’ll have to make the trip down to the Twin Cities, definitely. Or, you guys could come up to lovely Winnipeg. :)
William: cheers, we’ll have to make that happen, for sure.