Holy Saturday is generally the most overlooked day in the Passion week. It is the day of groaning, of living between death and life; between Cross and Resurrection.
I have done a very poor job this year of observing anything like a Lenten penitence, of entering into the drama of the God who came in Christ to offer his life up for many. I have been much too consumed with schoolwork (read: I’m self-centred) to get into the swing of the season.
But this day I can identify with and enter in to. The tension of this day, of living after the Cross, but before the Resurrection is where I find my dwelling. I want to believe in Resurrection, but I can’t quite live there. It too easily brings me into living as though this life doesn’t matter, as if suffering is to be ignored rather than lamented.
This is the day of sorrow, and of hope against hope. This is the day when all our dreams were dashed, when we we cry out with Jesus, eloi, eloi, lama sabachtani! And we hear no answer. Yet.
We wait, we hope, we pray.
3 responses to “Holy Saturday”
I’ve always celebrated Holy Saturday as just the day before Easter. And in fact… I forgot about Easter entirely this year until it was the evening of Good Friday (ie:celebrating lent didn’t happen). There aren’t any chocolate bunnies around to remind me, and I still haven’t gotten around to going to church here. We had people over for a chicken Easter… but we didn’t even remember to pray before the meal. Such a sad way to celebrate such important aspects to the Christian faith.
Yeah, my celebrations haven’t exactly been what you call “celebratory” or “observant.” I hope to do better next year.
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