
That’s how I feel this year about the “reason for the season.” Jesus Christ, son of God, the Word became flesh is what we celebrate. And yet, I just somehow don’t get it. This is a pivotal moment in the greatest story in history, and yet here I am, blissfully caught up in the Western myth of holidays: relaxation, consumption and me, me, me.

Len over at NextReformation made an excellent post called “the darkest hour, redux” that nicely juxtaposes our ideas of Christmas against what it really meant when it happened. I wish that  could say that I felt like I was living the kind of subversive story that he indicates that Christmas really is, but I can’t really say that I am.

Oh Lord, help me to see. Oh Lord, help me to believe.

3 responses to “Disaffected”

  1. I couldn’t agree with you more.

    Does it have anything to do with the fact that in the Evangelical world, where doing church in an original, ‘relevant way’ is at the top of the priority list (though in of itself this is a good thing), that we, especially at this time of year, miss out on the celebration that our Christian fathers and mothers had kept for almost two thousand years? This is one of those times where I feel left out as one separated from the Catholic/Anglican/Orthodox traditions.

    Or maybe it’s just me. Maybe I’m just apathetic and content to not contend for the non-flashy, humble incarnation – Jesus, born in a stable. Maybe the smell of rubbish, the welcoming fragrance that filled His stable, simply doesn’t get my attention like the sweet fragrance of friends, family, and delectables, as good as these are.

    Oh Lord may we remember; may we respond….

  2. Yeah, it’s funny how Christmas is especially making me desire to join in more liturgically ordered forms of Christianity. And yet there’s so much I dislike about them. Am I forever doomed to be a consumer of Christianity, searching for the perfect brand?

    Jesus, help me to see how your coming blows all of this crap apart.

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