If you’ve been reading here regularly, I’ve been writing a post per day since July 18th of this year, save my company meetup in October. This represents streaks of 86 and 50 days, good for 136 posts in 144 days.
But I’m giving up on posting every day, now. The point was never to post every day; the point was to write regularly, because I can’t be a writer unless I write. The streak is over for two reasons.
Firstly, it just started to feel too pressure-filled. I wasn’t enjoying it. If something is going to fill your time, you should enjoy it some of the time.
Secondly, the requirement to post every day had moved me towards link-blogging rather than, well, writing. I don’t have enough psychic space every day to write an essay, but that’s still what interests me.
I’m going to keep writing, but probably less frequently, and maybe not always here, either. Thanks for joining me in this experiment.
4 responses to “Thus Ends the Streak”
Matt Balcarras liked this on Facebook.
Matt Mazur liked this on Facebook.
It can be difficult to find the time and inspiration for thought-provoking writing. I was inspired by your effort. Keep writing!
Payton Swick liked this on Facebook.