Growing a Story Out of My Mustache

November has somehow become the month of campaigns and causes relevant to my interests, neither of which I’ve done before, and both of which I’m doing this year.

The first is National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo for short), where the challenge is to write a 50,000 word first draft of a novel by the end of the month. Writing fiction has long been a dream of mine so I’m using the structure of writing every day to actually do it. Although I have several long-running ideas for possible books, I decided to start writing the first thing that occurred to me when I started to write two days ago. This could be glorious, or a disaster, or both.

The second is Movember, which raises money to promote men’s health. The challenge for male participants is to shave on November 1 and grow a mustache for the rest no the month, grabbing sponsors along the way. After being pressured to do this in multiple previous years, I’ve given in. My Automattic colleagues have set up a Mo Team, so please donate to me or to my team!


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