A New Season

I’m not irate that I’ve let my blog lay fallow for this long. Rather, I’m annoyed that I’ve not been writing. I don’t think very clearly when I don’t write, and I haven’t been writing much at all in the past few months.

I’m entering a new season. I’ve decided to scale back my work considerably, as it’s slowly taken over most of my life. I often resent it and enjoy it only sporadically. Apparently building a small business means doing a lot of things wrong (such as overbooking yourself) before you start to figure things out.

But much worse than lack of joy in my work has been the fact that staring at a computer screen all day meant the last thing I wanted to do was spend more time in front of a keyboard to write. (And no, I’m not going to start writing longhand.)

The focal point in this season of change is the fact that, as of a week ago, I moved into Flatlander’s Inn, a church-based transitional housing community based in Winnipeg’s North End. Jaclyn and I have joined the core team and have committed a year to seeing if this is a fit. We’ll be living with 4 other couples, 7 kids, 3 interns and 5-7 transitional members in a crazy experiment in community, justice, and being a sign of the Kingdom of God where all are one in Christ.

I’m also preaching my first ever sermon at Winnipeg Centre Vineyard on August 22 either August 29 or September 5. In my many-year journey towards some type of pastoral ministry, I have not yet stood behind a pulpit. It’s not that I equate sermon-slinging with pastoring, but I do believe that teaching is a gift I have that has lain dormant for too long. This then is the time to become insecure, wondering if I’ll stink up the joint and be wrong about my gifts and calling after all.

I hope that this is the beginning of more regular writing in my life, whether or not those words make it onto this blog. I also hope (and pray) that this marks the beginning of a renewed focus on aligning my life with Christ and his kingdom. Lord, make it so.


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