Baker Academic’s The Church and Postmodern Culture series will have a new entry in August by Carl Raschke called GloboChrist: The Great Commission Takes a Postmodern Turn. The series’ blog has a new post by Raschke to whet our appetities. Here’s a quote that shows that Raschke is doing some interesting thinking about globalization:
In a day-to-day context globalization means we no longer view ourselves and those who are not-ourselves (the “other”) in terms of radiating circles of proximity and therefore relevance – our family, our workplace, our community, our country, humanity in general, etc. Globalization means that increasingly the notions of the “stranger”, or the “foreigner”, become strange and foreign in their own right. Whatever, or whoever, in the past seemed remote is now immediately present through webs of instantaneous communications. The same communications systems assure us that all human and economic transactions now acquire their own kind of immediacy, and oftentimes a curious sort of intimacy.
Globalization and the Great Commission in the “Postmodern Cosmopolis”
There’s more at the link, developing how relationality in “globo-pomo” connects with the Great Commission. If this is on par with the previous two books in the series, it should be a terrific read.