Tech Tip: Windows Live Writer

I would have been very surprised indeed to find myself recommending a Microsoft product, but I must say that they’ve done a fine job with Windows Live Writer. It’s a desktop blogging application that works with most popular blog providers, including WordPress, Blogger, LiveJournal, TypePad, Moveable Type and Windows Live Spaces.

One of the biggest problems with writing blog posts is that you can’t see what you’re writing as you write it. Windows Live Writer automagically detects your theme and allows you to write your post and see what it will look like as you write it. Here’s a screenshot of me writing this post:


This might be especially useful for people who only have intermittent access to the net, as you are able to compose and save your posts offline. I know that I would have definitely appreciated this when I was still using Blogger, as its online interface was pretty craptastic.

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