Last year, I made predictions for the New Year. This year, I don’t know what I’d say. Instead, here’s what I’m looking forward to in 2007.
I’m looking forward to another year of marriage to my wonderful wife. We’ve had a good 1.5 years, and I know that thing will keep getting better.
I’m looking forward to growing in understanding, wisdom and faith.
I’m looking forward to learning to get over myself.
Looking back on 2006, there are also some things I want to leave behind.
I want to leave behind life-crippling skepticism.
I want to leave behind the walls I hide behind.
I want to leave behind laziness.
I want to leave behind thinking that I don’t need God.
God, for all these things to welcome as I look forward and shun as I don’t look back, I ask for Your mercy and grace. Amen.
2 responses to “Prospective”
The life-crippling scepticism you refer to here is something that I have been personally fighting for years. For me it continues to be a long slow process. I pray it’s not the same for you . . . Getting over myself should also be a high priority – it’s got to be a work of God!
In this New Year:
The Lord bless you and keep you;
The Lord Make His face shine upon you,
and be gracious to you;
The Lord lift up His countenance on you,
and give you peace.
Thanks Colin
Life-crippling skepticism is not somewhere that I feel that I currently am, but it somewhere that I can feel myself being drawn to. May you find faith that is not blind, but rooted in the trustworthiness of Christ himself.