Best Invention. Ever.

tv-b-goneThis is one of the coolest inventions I’ve ever seen. A simple keychain addition, it’s called TV-B-Gone and it can turn off virtually any television with the press of a single button!

Whoever invented this should be nominated for a Nobel Prize for the betterment of humanity. Seriously.

12 responses to “Best Invention. Ever.”

  1. Hilarious. That could be a more deviant tool than when those red laser pointer pens came out. It’d sure be fun to use at a sports bar….”10 seconds left, they’re only down by one, awww, what the heck….what happened?”

  2. Great idea. I have visions of walking into some big electronics store and turning off a whole wall of TVs all at once. Satisfying.

  3. I think that was invented by Lady Ada (the contemporary, not the classical), one of the heroes of electrical engineering hobbiests. Even if it wasn’t by her, she’s made several similar devices, including my personal favorite, a low power RF jammer (ie blocks nearby cell phones and radios). Also of interest are a pair of glasses that darken whenever they face towards a television.

    You can check her out at, she has how-tos, plans and kits for many of her more interesting devices.

  4. Too Hilarious. I thought I only had power over my own tv watching. Now I can destroy others’ contentment in this area.


  5. Interesting, we found a better tool for turning off the tube. We got rid of our Cable and now all we get is CBC . . . apart from Hockey Night in Canada it pretty much stays off (after all, do you know anyone who likes to view episode after episode of Coronation Street re-runs?:)

  6. Agreed Colin, but this is especially for turning off TVs in public. So many devious ideas, so little time.

  7. Thanks, Matt. I’m the inventor. No need to thank me — just doing my job. :)

    BTW, me and Ladyada did a co-presentation at a hackers convention this summer.

  8. Thanks for stopping by Mitch, and thanks for putting your mind to such deviously perfect use. I haven’t bought one yet, but I will be soon.

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