So, without further ado, I present to you the Wiebe’s new pad in apartment 11 of Todd Hall. Our address for any who care to know it is:
11 – 45 Union St.
St. Stephen, NB
E3L 1T6
Oh, and we won’t have a phone number until after the Europe trip, so it’s just email (or Skype) until then.
Now, on with the show.
Yes, we get to live in a mansion built in 1890! It was built for the lieutenant governor of New Brunswick. We live in a top floor apartment at the back. Great view, but soooo many stairs. (For more info go to this page on St. Stephen architecture and scroll to the bottom).
Here’s Matt crashed on our camping gear after the first night. Our house hadn’t caught up to us yet, it was somewhere in Quebec.
Here’s the bedroom. It’s a much nicer color than our last bedroom, but smaller too.
Here’s me pretending to do the dishes in our small-ish kitchen.
Here’s Jac pretending to read. She continues to do so for the next few pictures as we get the full panorama of the living area. It’s still pretty cluttered as we aren’t quite unpacked yet.
Jac made me pose for this and the next picture so that you can get a better sense of the scale of the place. My wide-angle lens usage in the four pictures where she’s pretending to read make things look a bit bigger than they actually are.
The apartment seems to be the perfect size for us, even though its only approx. 380 square feet. Plus the soaring ten foot ceilings make it feel kind of like a studio loft.
6 responses to “Check the New Pad”
that book was boring.
Sweet man!
I’ve been eagerly waiting for the pics of the new pad. It looks pretty sweet – much nicer than the suite I remember seeing last thanksgiving when I was out there.
Awesome that you guys made it there safely and are settling into your new accomodations.
Thanks for the view. =)
Hey matt…this is Rachel Helm (I am not sure if you remember me or not, I lived in wpg for a couple years doin’ downpour stuff)
anyway…just wondering why you guys moved out to NB?
It looks like a great place you found, I am envious!
Hey Rachel. I do indeed remember you. You’re probably about finished at Full Gospel by now I’m guessing…
Anyways, we moved to St. Stephen to go to a little school called St. Stephen’s University. It’s a pretty cool place.
[…] I promised some photos of our new apartment here in St. Stephen a while back. We moved right down the hall into a much nicer (and more spacious) apartment than our last one. The living room is almost twice as big and has new hardwood laminate floors and new paint on the walls too. We’re very thankful.All that’s been finished is the living room, so here’s a pair of shots: […]