
Writing a retrospective to reflect on the past year, followed by a prospective to look forward to the coming year has become something of a tradition for me on this blog. Here, in no particular order, are some significant things from the past year:

  • I began to study the postmodern turn in philosophy much more in depth. Read posts tagged postmodernism… if you dare (or care).
  • I celebrated my second anniversary to my lovely wife Jaclyn. Time flies when you’re having fun… :)
  • I got much more involved with web design, creating sites for Burbank Express, Matt Frise, SSU Student Media and the Institute of Contemporary and Emerging Worship Studies.
  • I began to write a fantasy novel called Twilight Falling. Sadly, school has gotten in the way of my writing, but hopefully I’ll rev it back up once school is over.
  • I became much more convinced than ever that politics are inseparable from the Gospel, even if I still have more questions than answers as to what this will look like in practice.
  • I published some posts on academics and blogging that make up a substantial portion of my traffic. See Blogging: A Reliable Academic Source? and Academic Blogging Redux.
  • I also blogged through N.T. Wright’s book on the authority of Scripture. Read about The Last Word.
  • Including this post, I made 144 posts in 2007, making for an average of 2.8 posts per week.
  • I continued to wonder why I’m bothering with blogging, since I seem to lack the chutzpah to be a self-promoter, and I don’t care to develop a tight enough focus to conquer any particular niche. I’ll keep doing it anyway.

That’ll do for this year. I know that my wife will probably inform me that I’m missing some key events, but this is an authentic list of what I’m thinking about at the moment.

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