Performance Pressure

Watch me dance and do tricks!

I feel this odd pressure to put all kinds of brilliance out there, since I’m getting all of this traffic on account of Br. Maynard’s link-love meme that I wound up in.

Don’t get me wrong, I write this blog partly because I hope that some people find something helpful, challenging or inspiring in what I have to say. And I do feel like I eke towards those categories on occassion.  But, there’s also this wounded part of all of us that craves affirmation, and if we’re not careful, we start doing what we do for praise instead of for love for God and others.

So, if you’ve landed here due to the meme, I’m not going to blow you out of the waters. Blogs are a conversation; a kind of friendship that develops slowly over time. So, I’ll fight the urge to wow you all while I have (a very small) spotlight. I hope one or two of you stick around, and we’ll talk.

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